See our routes broken down for novice riders and by distance; short, intermediate & long. The routes are available in Chinese and English versions of Strava which you use as a mapping / gps device on your phone. We also offer GPX route files which can be downloaded to your device or other phone apps.
Novice Rider
Shorter rides on flatter surfaces. Check out our collection of rides for novice riders also on komoot or rideforgps.
Shorter routes near the homestay.
Medium distance routes, generally less than 100km.
Featured Ride:
Slate 8 Perfect!
A ride that sums up cycling around #wildhomestay
Featured Ride:
Rainbow Sky 100
A good ride for any weather! 99% nice roads. Best done in the afternoon to catch sunset rays!
Long routes heading in all directions.
Adventure & BikeHike
Our unique flavour of riding! Gravel or Mountain bikes suggested. Adventure rides can be ridden 100% of the time (depending on skill) and bikehikes normally always require some hiking. The amount of hiking that is required generally depends on your cycling skill level. These routes normally have dangerous drops, steep slopes and can take all day.

Water Pigs Dirt Ride (WPD)
80km mostly road but a bit of everything!
Best done on a dry ay in spring 🙂
Inter City
Inter City & Train Routes: coming in from Qiandao Lake, Tunxi or She County. Check out these Hangzhou routes to the homestay.
Check out the Huizhou Merchant Trail which links Wuyuan and some other great places in the area.
Need more info on how to use Komoot / strava or download routes or use GPS?